Vehicle Loans
Up to 90 day no pay available.***
Vehicles, Boats, RVs, On-Road Motorcycles, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Dirt Bikes, Personal Watercraft
Term | APR Rate | Monthly Payment** |
(up to) | (as low as)* | |
24 mo. or less | 5.24% | $43.98 |
36 mo. | 5.24% | $30.08 |
48 mo. | 5.24% | $23.14 |
60 mo. | 5.24% | $18.98 |
72 mo. | 5.49% | $16.33 |
84 mo. | 6.99% | $15.09 |
120 mo. (Boat/RV’s >$40k, 100% LTV) | 9.24% | $12.80 |
180 mo. (Boat/RV’s >$40k, 100% LTV) | 10.24% | $10.89 |
*Rate subject to loan-to-value ratios. All rates subject to change. Membership Eligibility Required. Loan terms and conditions are based on credit qualifications, relationship and approval.
** Monthly payment is based on payment per $1,000 borrowed for rate and term. Rates effective as of 8/5/2024. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice.
*** This offer applies to all consumer closed end loans. Loan terms and conditions are based on credit qualifications, relationship, and approval. Rates, terms, and conditions are subject to change. Interest will begin to accrue from the date of loan disbursal and will be amortized over the monthly loan payments. Up to 90 days no pay with approved credit. Membership eligibility required. Mortgage loans not included in this program.